Thursday, May 26, 2011

Now it's time to say good-bye...

Dear Quest family,
As you all know, today was my last day. Next week my husband and I will be flying back home to LA where he will start residency at Harbor-UCLA and I...will be miserable without Quest! It breaks my heart to leave such a talented, incredibly sweet group of students and a caring staff who would go out of their way to make me feel appreciated. Teachers, I have learned so much from you and I've enjoyed working with you. Parents, thank you for raising such lovely children! I need lessons from you when I start my own family! It was truly a privilege for me to teach them. Their creative energy inspired me everyday. Here are some photos of my last day:
Pam and Kathy had every student from Quest sign the back of this shirt. I will treasure it for-ev-er. too cool for school.Students, if you're reading this- I will never forget you guys!! Keep up the beautiful work.
Love, Ruth

End-of-the-year projects

LE learned how to make a mosaic out of cut paper. The theme was dolphins.

As part of UE's Mesoamerican study, students made Aztec masks using cardboard and painted paper.

Following the Inca tradition, students sewed grave dolls out of fabric and yarn. These dolls were placed in graves and believed to carry the deceased into the afterlife.

MS students created sculptures using only marshmallows and toothpicks. They were judged on three criteria: structural integrity, originality, and aesthetic appeal. I was very impressed with the results!